Monday, February 10, 2014

Herb Crush: Lemon Balm

Herbs have several uses and benefits, and after you discover the many uses of lemon balm you'll understand why it's a favorite among many Western herbalists. At a glance, here are the top five benefits of lemon balm, but this in no way an exhaustive list of its benefits.
Image courtesy of Datkins

Antioxidant: keeps cells from aging, helping you to look younger
Nervine: relieves anxiety, stress and insomnia
Anti-inflammatory: arthritis and allergies, works similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Anti-viral: cold, flu and viral infections (cold sores, chicken pox, herpes and shingles)
Anti-spasmodic: mild muscle relaxant, soothes muscle tension and cramps

The benefits of lemon balm are continuous, to learn more about this wonder herb, read EarthSeed Detroit Blog for a full herbal profile.