Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Natural Tips to Remove Razor Bumps Quickly

No one likes razor bumps or the blemishes they leave behind. In some cases they're just a hair away from being flat out disgusting. Whether you're male or female, this post is for you, if the tiny hairs on your chinny chin chin are becoming the bain of your existence. Best of all, many of these recommendations take 10 minutes or less; ummm... just don't use these suggestions all at once:

Antioxidants: razor bumps and the scars they leave behind can cause your skin to look aged prematurely. If you're fighting scars and/or razor bumps; save your tea bags and/or coffee filters for your skin. The tannins – a group of chemical compounds most dominant in black tea creating the color, bitterness and antioxidants – in tea help to tighten skin, reduce inflammation and blemish marks. Steep a tea bag in hot water for 2-3 minutes, and then apply to the skin up to 5-minutes. Repeat this process 2-3 times per week, in the morning and just before bed. If you'd prefer to use used coffee grinds, apply them to the skin at a warm temperature for 5-minutes or less for similar results. You also can place used coffee grinds in a cheesecloth, filter or reusable tea bag.

 Clay Mask: apply a gentle face mask that will nourish skin while drawing out toxins. Your best bet is to use a mineral-rich clay mask, try red or French green clay. Take about a quarter size amount of clay and mix with about a tablespoon of water until it forms a paste-like texture. Rub on skin, then rinse off when clay becomes semi-dry. Avoid mixing clay with metal objects, as doing so will deactivate the mineral properties that draw out toxins.

Oil Cleansing: I've found most luck with black seed oil (NOTE: my skin type is normal-to-dry). However, use the oil that best suits your skin type like: coconut oil, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil or castor oil. It is important to use the right oil for your skin type. Keep in mind, both castor and coconut oil are drier oils and may work better for oily skin types; while olive oil may be a better choice for drier skin types. Pour about a nickel size amount of oil in your hand and massage into your dry face. Wet a face towel with hot steamy water, and then wring out excess water. Once the face towel reaches a tolerable temperature for you (not too hot, but it should remain steamy), gently rub the oil off with your towel, allowing the steam to purge the impurities from your skin. This should leave your skin feeling invigorated and refreshed.

Detox: When it comes to your skin, whole (real) foods will be your best allies, as it helps nourish skin from the inside out. If you're prone to razor bumps oozing puss, not only is it best to keep the area clean, but also beginning a detox regimen may be useful. Start small with a one-day or three-day detox and work your way up to longer duration (go at the pace of your body), plan according to your body type and set of needs. For instance, if you need to eat every two hours, tailor your detox accordingly by incorporating nutrient rich foods or smoothies. The more prepared you are, the more successful you'll cleanse. Consult a natural health practitioner for additional guidance.

Clean Razors: use sharp and clean razors for every use. Dull razors are less precise, causing the need to re-shave the same area, weakening the skin and making it more prone to scrapes, marks, bumps and ingrown hairs. Old unclean razors contain bacteria, which transfers to your skin becoming a catalyst for razor bumps.

Cleanse Immediately Afterwards: In the event you've knicked your skin, dab either alcohol or witch hazel on the area to keep it clean. In fact this may be a good rule of thumb whether you've scraped your skin or not.

Moisturize Your Skin: The next course of action would be to keep the skin moisturized. Keep skin lubricated to prevent ingrown hairs and razor bumps. This isn't a fail-proof tip, but helpful nonetheless.

Using the above tips would be helpful, if you're determined to take the shaving route. However there are other natural alternatives, offering less pain than waxing, longer-lasting results and no razor bump after effect: Click Here to read on...

Friday, November 7, 2014

What Is Your Skin Trying to Tell You

Photo by: rubyblossom

Before we proceed, I must state that the skin may react to triggers as a result of a variety of reasons (internal and external causes). Some of these additional factors can be attributed to drug/alcohol/prescription drug use, pregnancy, smoking, environment (i.e. exposure to toxins and hazardous debris), pre-existing disease, hormones, genetics, etc. That's not to say that the following list is any less useful, but it is to encourage you to become more active about your health and rule out some of the probable triggers causing skin reactions.

With that said, here are five common possible skin warning signs:

Acne: this is an indicator that it is time to eliminate and/or reduce some the following food culprits: fried food, processed food, soda and dairy. Eating too much fried food can cause clogged pores, creating toxic buildup that'll inevitably penetrate through the skin as acne. For some, stress also can trigger pimples, in which case this may give you a legitimate reason to chill out.

Puffy Under Eyes: Allergies and inflammation are just two possible causes. Solid rest, a good detox (do your due diligence and select the best detox that works best for you), drinking half your body weight in ounces of water to help flush under-eye poof. Click here to find out, exactly, how much water you should drink per day. Externally: a puffy eye reducing regimen would help, which can include: cucumbers, moisturizing or placing cold tea bags on your eyes.

Dark Circles: Because the skin around the eyes are so sensitive, dark circles can be an indicator of a variety of things, including: dilated blood vessels (busted capillaries) as a result of excessively rubbing the eyes, inadequate sleep, malnutrition, emotional distress, fatigue, vitamin deficiency, allergies. Some natural ways to restore brightness around the eyes including, using cucumbers, gentle under-eye massage, coffee grinds and of course sleep... you know what they say, "the best things in life are free!"

Dry Skin: In most instances dry skin (non-clinical of course) is a sign of dehydration, exposure to cold, dry winter weather, skipping the moisturizer, and/or using harsh body soap. Address this naturally by selecting the moisturizer most suitable to your skin type, bundle up during cold months so as not to strip the natural oils from your skin from chilly weather, use a gentle and/or natural body soap, drink plenty water and eat the proper nutrients -- especially those rich in water content like: cucumbers, honeydew, watermelons, iceberg lettuce, radish, celery and tomatoes.

Sun Damage: Just because the seasons are changing doesn't mean you can skip out on applying SPF protective moisturizers. So, whether it's hot and sunny, bright and snowy or some weather in between; apply a natural sun-screen enhanced moisturizer to protect your skin. Some possible signs of sun damaged skin, include: flakiness; inflamed skin or redness increasing sensitivity; wrinkles, liver/age spots, blotchiness and dullness. Some possible natural solutions include: drinking antioxidant-rich tea (green and black tea), staying hydrated and using natural sun-protective moisturizers.

In general, more overall rules of thumb for having clear skin include: using a natural gentle body and/or facial scrub to help deeply exfoliate your skin, which helps remove deep-set debris. Drink plenty water, (i.e. half your body weight in ounces of water), eat fresh fruits and veggies as much as possible (yes, what you eat does make a difference), have regular bowel movements and exercise.

Most importantly, get some shut eye, keep calm and carry on because stress will only create mild-to-severe reactions on the skin.