Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Natural Hangover Remedies

As the temps warm up, more people just wanna have fun in the sun. And who could blame them after the polar vortex of a winter we just had. 

So, now that we can go out and play, most are ready to take it up a notch and party -- I mean bar-be-que, picnic, luau, fish fry, clam bake -- whatever you call it when you're letting your hair down and cutting loose for a while. Which in most cases involves drinking and hanging out until the sun comes up. But, once the sun rises and the hangover has set in, you're feeling icky.

The classic hangover symptoms -- headache, nausea, groggy feeling -- made you promise you'll never do it again.

Let me first tell you that Amour All Naturals isn't the natural health police. Everybody is at different stages in embracing holistic health, and some aren't ready to go all the way, while others may be gung-ho yet fall-off every now and then. Whatever stage of the process you're in, you're here and on your way, which is a good start. If you fall off the wagon, get up, hop back on and keep on riding like it was part of the journey.

Image courtesy of Naypong / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
With that being said, I will share with you (in my non-judgmental voice) the side effects and health risks associated with alcohol.

Alcohol consumption prevents the the body from absorbing nutrients as it compromises your immune and nervous system, digestive track and organ function.  Binge, habitual and heavy alcohol drinking can increase one's risk of dysfunctions like: stroke, dehydrated skin, heart disease, ulcers, aged skin, anemia, pancreatitis, dehydrated skin, dementia, liver damage, sexual dysfunction, osteoperosis, cancer (stomach, colon, breast, liver, etc.) and oh yeah, did I mention... aged skin. 

Which is why it is important to cleanse your system after even light to moderate alcohol consumption. Whether experiencing a full-on hangover or a little discomfort, here are some natural ways to help you avoid the side-effects and get you feeling better fast (in no particular order):

1. Vitamins: You've heard it before, but take your vitamins, because alcohol zaps your body of nutrients. When this happens, vitamins B and C are sure to come in handy. Vitamin B complex, specifically B12, plays a helpful role to improve the nervous system, which in turn will help reduce some of your grogginess. If you can stomach it, eat a hearty meal (smoothie, avocado, eggs, toast, fruit, etc.) to help further coat your stomach and add to absorption. Vitamin C gets your immune system moving and fighting off the impurities that alcohol left behind.

2. Water:  Rotate between a glass of water and alcohol to help prevent from feeling icky in the morning. Water helps to flush away toxins left behind from alcohol when you have a glass in between drinks. Alcohol absorbs the body's fluids, resulting in dehydration. If you forget to sip water in between drinks, have a glass or two before you drift off to sleep, rather than waiting the next day.

CREDIT: Crisco 1492
3. Coconut Water: Speaking of dehydration, it's important to get some electrolytes in your system. One of the best natural sources is found in coconut water. Drink coconut water to restore the electrolytes in your system and to get re-charged.

4. Golden Milk (turmeric milk): One of nature's best anti-inflammatories is turmeric. Too much alcohol indulgence can lead to bacteria passing through the bloodstream and intestinal track in which case creates irritation and inflammation throughout the body and organs. To alleviate some of this inflammation here's a recipe to make turmeric milk or a more quickie recipe consists of boiled water poured over some turmeric (grounded, dry or fresh) steep, then add local raw honey for taste.  

5. Herbal Tea: Now that we're talking about tea... have a cup of ginger or peppermint (which helps support digestion) milk thistle (which helps support liver). Tea helps to alleviate stomach bloatedness, stimulate proper liver function which in turns helps to filter out excess toxins.

CREDIT: Evan-Amos
6. Banana: Alcohol depletes the body of potassium, so replenishing the stomach with potassium helps to gently coat the intestinal lining. Bananas also are a good source of B6; and are great antacids which help remedy upset stomach and heartburn.

7. Feverfew: Suffering from a headache, but don't want to further damage your liver and digestive track? Then, steer clear from over-the-counter pain killers containing acetaminophen, doing so can further cause liver damage when combined with alcohol. So, bust out the tea kettle and make yourself a pot of feverfew tea to help ease your headache naturally.  

Each person's body responds differently, so use these suggestions as a guide; but find the natural remedy that works best for you. Personally, I find relief from taking bentonite clay after a meal the next morning, but there's no medical proof or research backing its effectiveness. 

A quick Internet search shows others who also claim to feel better after flushing with bentonite clay. With this in mind, make adjustments as needed, pay close attention to your body and you be the judge. You've got this!

- Avec Amour